Saturday, February 5, 2011

MCA and Gerakan COWARDS!

I am referring to the 'statement' by Vice President and Deputy President from MCA and Gerakan respectively.

Obviously the two BN members are somewhat hurt by the ongoing Ketuanan Melayu concept being propagated by UMNO and its leaders. 

Like clutching at straws they try to deny the obvious. UMNO are a bunch of bigoted racists. They are sick to the teeth. They all know that. They say among themselves behind their backs, in the Central Committee Meetings, in their internal discussions, they mention it during team rebuilding programmes (especially after the trouncing in 2008). BUT THEY NEVER SAY IT IN THE OPEN.

It is not a secret that UMNO is promoting Malay supremacy and that other races are subservient to them, and that whatever Mahathir is saying is actually and in fact, what is being propagated and understood by all UMNO members. And that 1Malaysia is nothing but a smokescreen to allow the non-Malays to think that 'there is some hope' to cling to despite the chivalrous but racist UMNO policy.

When people like me question their honesty and intention in 'publicly reprimanding' Mahathir today (; MCA and Gerakan has to answer as to why their respective no. 2 are called to comment and not the party leaders themselves.

The answer is simple. 

MCA and Gerakan are cowards. They dare not speak using their respective Presidents as they do not wish to be labelled as 'mencabar ketuanan Melayu'. Their actions are at best and using the popular Malay proverb, "coughing at the stairs" having no real intention of blasting UMNO, but enough to convince whatever remains of their followers that they are principled and 'are not battered into submission'.
To me, this is pathetic.


Anonymous said...

To MCA & Gerakan, their Govt positions are of paramount importance and safeguarding the interest of the Chinese & Indian communities is secondary. They will nod their heads even if UMNO says that the sun is square or tell them to squat in the toilet. Real pathetic and spineless. Beggars are better than them.

Chua Soiled Leak said...

They are EUNUCHS!

Anonymous said...

Nothing new. Undisputed Fact.

MCA / GERAKAN and MIC ball-less in Barisan Nasional .......

sepet emas said...

No spine / no guts / no balls / no hempedu / no gallbladder (Hokkien says Boh Tnah i.e. Chicken) / MouTan in Cantonese / Boh Lan Hood in Penang / Tarak Bola

Anonymous said...

Yes you guys can go on calling them cowards,clowns,idiots,stupid,bastards,running dogs whatever...but they wont give a damn bco$ they know once they dare to even murmur a word all contract$ gone, no more big car$ big bungalow$, $exy girlfriends.These so called leaders dare not even look at Perkasa Ibrahim, i think you guys are too much for asking them to stand up to umno.Their only job is to bluff the indians/chinese to vote amno, what they think or feel is unwanted by umno.Dont blame the malays, your own leaders are really the culprits.

Anonymous said...

When you shut "food" " coward" "bastard".... those dogs still wag their tails lah. waste time.

Batter watch some blues.........

PORNO CHUA said...

To those shameless and unprincipled 'anak anak haram' in the MCA & Gerakan none of them would be bothered with what we think of them as long as they can benefit from their associations with UMNO. They are nothing but thorough-bred running dogs of the pirates of BOLEHLAND. Like the pirates they too hope to partake in the looting of the country's wealth. We can help to get rid of them by convincing our family members, friends, associates and even acquaintances not to vote for these greedy and corrupted scums of society in the GE13.