I refer to this article by the Malay Mail Online. It was found after reading Zahid Hamidi's assertion that the Eurofighter should replace our 'formidable' legion of ... 10 MiG 29s.
As with all BN and UMNO mindsets, they have no 'maintenance' mentality. Japan, for instance, has been using the same public bus skeleton for more than 25 years, but has improved its engines and technology. Much less could be said in London. Where the black taxi cabs has been in use for ages but has been internally improved.
In Malaysia, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why this maintenance culture is absent. Forget about Mahathir's 'Look East' policy as these cartoons in the lofty offices of Putrajaya are either obsessed getting rich for themselves or getting contracts for their followers to secure their 'loftiness'.
It does not also require the brains of an emigrant Malaysian brain surgeon to figure out that new contracts have higher contract value and shorter payment regime than a time consuming Operation & Maintenance Contract. Whilst the latter option is cheaper and financially beneficial to the country in the long run, since when do UMNO and BN gives a crap about national interest? especially vis-a-vis personal or spouse interest?
As a Pakatan Rakyat supporter, of course I would see that this is in fact a leeway for me to capitalise and further embarrass UMNO and BN but the sinking feeling is this, why are we even MENTIONING that we only have 10 operational MiGs in service? Wouldn't THIS, in comparison with imprisoning a soft-spoken doctor for communist links, worth more adverse national security risk?
Also, with 6 MiGs already decommissioned, wouldn't it make perfect sense to purchase more MiGs, re-commission the 6 on the sidewalk, and continue to purchase arms and spare parts for the same type of plane? wouldn't this make more economic sense?
I am probably talking to a wall here. Memory suddenly clicked and reminded me of the oft-changing educational policy of Malaysia. PPSMI ring a bell? Interlok?
This is ANOTHER WASTAGE by UMNO and BN. Not only we look bad on procurement, we also look bad (and even look ripe for conquest!) internationally. The MiGs are the best we have right now? we only have 10. And look guys! I am telling you how many there are because domestically it gives us the "ooh" and the "aaahhs" and may even give us a few extra votes! National security? International espionage? I think those Mossad agents would have a field day with all the 'gaji buta' they'll be getting for after all in Malaysia, we serve confidential info on a silver platter.
Why the hell James Bond did a movie here is mind boggling.
The money for maintenance could fill some one's pocket... I work in a MNC seniconductor firm... even the GM tells the PM guys not perform the PM but change the PM stickers...and this is the GM who was hired from a processor maker up north!!!!
ahah! you have just given me a new idea! Thanks! Regards, Zahid
In the long-run best out come senarios:
1. Total decommission & phase out.
2. Coverting to combat training aircraft.
3. Find a poor sucker 3rd would country to buy.
To be fair, the strength of our air force was never a real secret anyway:
But I agree on the wastage, leakage and corruption that will certainly happen on a government procurement on a scale as big as this.
After all, Zahid won't be a defence minister forever. Just like Najib's Scorpene and Pak Lah's Eurocopter, better siphon off some profit while he's at it, right?
When it comes to armaments, the tradition of announcing that we are considering this and considering that is well established. This keeps some vendors hopeful and prompts higher commissions from others.
All this supposedly to confront some unidentified (secret?) enemy. Have we learnt anything from the simple Japanese invasion of Malaya in WW2?
The 3 Defence contracts that were inked recently are :
1) RM 6 Billion for purchase of 6 Nos Petrol boats at a cost of RM 1 Billion each when the market price is between RM300K to 700K each.
2) RM 2.3 Billion for purchase of 12 Nos Euro-copter EC 725 at RM190 Million each when at the same time Brazil purchase similar model helicopter at RM 130 Million each.
3) RM7.5 billion for purchase of 257 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) at RM30 million a vehicle awarded to DRB Hicom. Since DRB Hicom has no expertise in manufacturing the APCs, it promptly pass the deal to Turkey's FNSS defense company at US 500 Million (RM 1.6 Billion). Add 20% for value adding in M'sia(which will be done in Pekan). Read about the deal here : http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=pars-sale-to-malaysia-proves-to-be-success-2010-05-12, the total cost comes to about RM 2 Billion.
It’s absolute Turkish delight for DRB Hicom , netting a profit of close to RM 5.5 Billion for just one deal !!
What do you expect of a war-wacky retard minister who is obsessed with raking profits thru price escalations and briberies?
What do you expect of a power crazy tyrant regime who are obsessed with staying in power by creating false alarms and prepare to incite chaos among its own people?
What do you expect of a POWERLESS COWARD PM who is willing to side with the 'ENEMIES' for his own SELFISH GAINS?
hi yaaa...just look at KLIA, compare with Changi. What maintenance? In some places it has turned like shithole. This gomen and amno people want money only...easy money, dont have to sweat for it.
Dear DM, why don't you think of ways how to earn money for our country rather than thinking of spending???
What can I say? OBVIOUSLY we are toast in the next general elections. Might as well cash it in! I am not letting Rosmah alone having a field day with USD24 million!
Saw a posting somewhere saying that this deal is to bribe the French govt to not open investigation into the Scorpene case. Eurofighter's biggest shareholder is France's Airbus.
There's even a bet saying that This deal will be closed before September ie. the start of the Scorpene investigation.
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