Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Islam Hadhari Suatu Konsep Sesat

Assalamualaikum Wrt. Wbt.

Islam is complete. None may add or delete from it nor vary anything that was revealed to mankind through Muhammad SAW:

"Alyauma Almaltulakum Diinakum Wa Atmamtu Alaikum Ni'mati Wa Radhitumul Islaama Diina"
"Today I have perfected for you your religion; and I have completed my favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion" (Al-Maidah: 3)

Any attempt to say that Islam is Islam Hadhari or Islam is Badawi is directly contradicting with the above and hence the innovator has committed Bid'aah. Bid'aah or innovations (meaning to add or decrease anything from Islam) is strictly forbidden based on the following hadith narrated by Aisyah RA:

Muhammad SAW said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected." (Sahih Bukhari)

and further from Aisyah RA:

Muhammad SAW said: "He who innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected." (Sahih Muslim)

Clearly the words 'our affairs' refer to 'Ibadah' and therefore no Abdullahs, Badawis not even his Granpa's roommate can lay claim that Islam is not yet complete and that Islam should be qualified by this label or that. Islam was and will always be complete in the eyes of God. The fact remains that Islam was made as a scapegoat in order to promote a 'new Islam' whereby Islamic Law is relaxed whilst material objectives are further glorofied. So we can see our Rosmahs and Jeannes happily not enforcing the 'Aurat rulings whilst finding legitimacy to lead the 'neo-Muslims' by promoting a radically new Islam when Islam was already completed way before they were even born, before the birth of Malaysia and even before the birth of Muhammad SAW and this 'Islam' shall continue until the end of time.

Apakah kita tidak merasakan pemakaian nama semantik demi kepentingan diri ini mengkhianati Khutbah Wida' (Terakhir) Rasulullah SAW? Rasulullah SAW berbalut kepalanya dan beliau menaiki bukit 'Arafah untuk berkata bahawa "Telah aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang selama mana kamu pegang kepadanya kamu tidak akan sesat selama-lamanya; iaitu Al-Qur'an dan Sunnahku". Di akhirnya Rasullullah SAW mengangkat tangannya sambil berkata "Ya Allah! aku telah sampaikan pesananmu kepada mereka!" sambil diakui oleh para Sahabat yang hadir yang menangis teresak-esak!

Tetapi para Ulama Hadhari termasuk Mufti Perak Sahibussamahah Harussani Zakaria gagal memahami perkara ini dan membuka diri kepada murka Allah SWT. Mengapa perlu kita berpegang kepada ajaran baru walhal Allah SWT dan Rasulullah SAW lebih mengetahui tentang agama Islam ini.

Jangan terpedaya dan semoga kebenaran akan singgah di hati kita semua agar segala usaha mensia-siakan ajaran Rasulullah SAW tidak akan berjaya. Sila baca kandungan Khutbah Wida' agar kita dapat menghayati betapa risaunya Baginda terhadap Umatnya dan betapa bodohnya kita untuk mengingkarinya.

Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira,


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