Monday, June 2, 2008

The Extinction of Gerakan

GERAKAN CAN KISS THE PARTY GOODBYE should be the title to this little article - much to the chagrin of late MCA President Tun Tan Siew Sin who Gerakan Advisor Dr. Lim Keng Yaik knows only too well.

Gerakan likes to maintain that it has a multicultural and multiracial stance. However facts and figures disprove this. As of 2008, only 1 of the Central Committee Members is a non-Chinese and the only other non-Chinese is 1 of the 6 Vice-Presidents. According to WikiPedia, as of 2006, about 80% of Gerakan's members are Chinese, another 15% are Indian and the rest are from the Malays and other races.

Many Gerakan members realise that a truly multiracial party with an inherently democratic internal administration and a knack of politicism to address the underprivileged is needed for the future and that future is impossible to be achieved in Gerakan - which was bombarded with allegations of nepotism and frequent CAC 'interruptions' by the party advisor.

Lately before the recently concluded general elections, it has surfaced that party advisor Dr. Lim has been labeled as practicing nepotism in promoting his son's political ambitions by the Federal Territories Assistant Secretary Mr. KK Supramaniam. Dr. Lim's son, Lim Si Pin, lost awkwardly during his inaugural stint in the Batu Parliamentary constituency to the 'Lion of Batu' Tian Chua of PKR and his political future seemed doomed from the start. Party insiders were worried that Si Pin would be appointed as a senior party official in order to keep the Lim dynasty relevant to Gerakan (Si Pin is now a CAC member).

Recent revelations have shown that confidence have reached an all time low. The political tsunami have affected it in more ways than one, and members are realigning themselves by looking up to one-time nemesis PKR - who they see as a bona fide multiracial party. Things are not looking good for our good Dr. Lim who has a medical background but sucks packs upon packs of Salem per day!

PKR does not have lopsided representation based on race and it also does not have a racial mentality to begin with. PKR and its allies in Pakatan Rakyat have also swept aside partisan politics in local governance, where Pakatan's modus habenae promotes the welfare of the people as the ultimate concern and political allegiances a far second.

Until and unless Gerakan reinvents itself (and the advisor stops smoking), not only UMNO will meet its end by 2013 as predicted by Sanusi Junid, it will have an ally to die with by the name of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia.

Amir Hamzah bin Amha


Yap said...

It is high time they disband Greakan and call it a day. I do not see their revival plan will ever work.

PKR and Pakatan..all the way forward to the next GE and we will get rid of BN.

Unknown said...

hey, lim quit smoking few months back after his paip bocor. check you fact, please.

Amir Hamzah said...

Sdr. Khairoel, baguslah kalau dia dah berhenti. marilah kita sama-sama berhenti merokok dan memperbaiki mutu Bahasa Inggeris kita.

Unknown said...

who cares about the beggars in bn!! let them cry n beg . the rakyat got better things to do than to be bothered by these beggars of UMNO !!!GOOD RIDDANCE !!