Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ifthar with YB Tian Chua

The office of YB Tian Chua arranged for an Ifthar cum dinner at the Dynasty Hotel on 22 Sept 2008. All supporters, sympathisers and even reps from civil services were available. The Fire Brigade Chief and DBKL reps were present. The Sentul RMP rep apologised for not being able to attend due to the Kuala Lumpur Police Chief having a visit to their station.

YB Tian was spectacular in his fine Baju Teluk Belanga and songkok, lending further credence to his ability to entice the Malay Muslims.

Since my problem at work I have been waiting for this opportunity to get back together with the PKR Batu Team ever since we trounced BN-Gerakan in the March General Elections.

The food was delicious and I also had time to talk with Kamil Samad, our Deputy Chief as well as other members of the Division. We worked hard and with Allah SWT blessings we have finally taken over the seat and may we continue to represent the people in Parlimen Batu for many more terms to come, InsyaAllah.


anfield devotee said...

Again, you highlight how non-Malay opposition leaders have been at pains to show solidarity with their Malay constituents.

Meanwhile, the UMNO/Khir Toyo brigade @ Ampang Jaya municipal council had to somehow sabotage the good work don by Pakatan in S'gor thus far. How? By destroying yet another Hindu temple.

It pains me that places of worship are used or destroyed fer such political games.

Ronnie Liu says this move was against Pakatan edict. Meanwhile BN & UMNO go to town with the news.

Why don't the Pakatan leaders take matters into their own hands & fooking throw the bastards responsible in jail? This would send a clear signal to all supremacists & UMNO bigots that their game will NOT be fooking tolerated.

Pakatan MUST NOT allow this to fester, otherwise UMNO will see it as an opportunity to direct their civil servant saboteurs to destroy another sacred place of worship.

Blood fooking boils la . . .

anfield devotee said...

(off topic)

Dear Bro Amir,

Almost always a pleasure to visit Goodison. TQ fer the three points, much obliged! :-)

ps: Cahill's didn't deserve sending off.