Friday, October 31, 2008

What makes Najib think he is widely accepted as the next PM?

In my short stint as a political blogger I was always aware of the dark and sly Najib Razak, the country's no.2 and a premier aspirant. His sinister maneuverings behind Pak Lah's impending ouster as the PM confirms my theory that this is one very opportunistic SOB.

With Malaysia ailing, the Rakyat suffering, the people have spoken loud and clear and gave BN the biggest electoral whooping in the history of this proud country. Pak Lah took the brunt and the blame. His impending resignation is testament to this. Although it was a concerted efffort, he took it like a man and took responsibility for it.

But one question remain, why is Najib replacing him? is he not equally responsible for the failed economic policies of BN and UMNO? is he not also culpable for the mass exodus of support form the Chinese and Indian Malaysians?

To me, Najib is the second-in-command of the same ship. He stood by Pak Lah even to the extent of bashing Mahathir in defence of the Penangite. He gave all his support to Pak Lah and in no small degree either! He vehemently supported him and warned others not to break his 'alliance' with him.

As Pak Lah's XO and guilty of consortium shouldn't he give way to another person? A person who has consistently opposed and spoken out against Pak Lah and his failed policies? The collective responsibility notion applies here and he need not parade around thinking that he has the majority confidence. Believe me, come the next General Elections or even sooner, the next Prime Minister will be Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.


Starmandala said...

Hey Amir, glad you brought this up! Same thing on almost everybody's mind - but that's Umno politics for you, buang masa to quibble about who will succeed Pak Blah. As Zaid Ibrahim pointed out yesterday, Umno began in 1946 with a surge of authentic nationalistic fervor led by idealistic Cikgus & thinkers with solid grassroots support - but the Evil Mamak singlehandedly corrupted the party by feeding it his own delusions of grandeur fueled by a lot of Ketuanan Melayu hot air. Without the bogus Ketuanan Melayu platform (no decent human would want to be associated with jingoism of this stripe; Ketuanan Mamak, Ketuanan Serani, Ketuanan Punjabi, Ketuanan Cina, Ketuanan Irish, Ketuanan Mongolia or Ketuanan Yahudi politics can only destroy the whole world!) - Umno is totally IRRELEVANT. Glad you're one of the thinking ones that joined PKR ;-) Nice energy on your blog by the way!

Amir Hamzah said...

Yo bro! yeah this was stickin in my cerebrum for quite some time now. Good timing don't you think? Najib won't think so of course.

Goostee said...

Sdr Amir,
I agree fully that he's a sinister opportunist. But, who's really to blame for such a development ? The Malay warlords in UMNO blindly support him despite the numerous negative reports surrounding him; obviously expecting patronage as clearly evident from the nomination results announced by the UMNO branches from day to day in recent days. But, I tend to put most of the blame on Pak Lah himself. He is at the helm, and supposed to be the man in charge. Having taken charge of the Ministry of Defence now, it is himself to blame and utter stupidity for him not to take hint of Raja Petra's allegations, if at all they were merely allegations.

anaklangkawi said...

Great comment.

But i must disagree with your comment. Eventhough the second in comment was also held responsible for the downside of BN however, it's the leader who most of all take the blame & should be blame for BN loosing big time in PRU-12.

However, that is not the point. The urged of replacing Abdullah with NAJib will be due to Paklah is a weak leader. Not for BN but for the country.

We need great leaders which will take our country to the next step or at least continue the legacy of TUn.

But DSAI. Soryy he not in my list when last time he used policy which make my brother bankcrupt. from this real experience.. How can he run the country then?

Amir Hamzah said...

Thanks goostee and anak langkawi, DSAI may not be the favourite in many persons books, but at least we are agreeable that this country is ailing and that Pak Lah and/or his consorts are responsible for it.

anfield devotee said...

Pak lah to Najib = From the frying pan into the fire.

Me fooking dreads to thinks what is gonna happen to our beloved country with the corrupt & greedy 1st couple at the helm.

ps: was, makin lama, makin power ah everton.

pps: you are cordially invited to a bloggers meet on 22nd Nov @ Sri Bala's restaurant (behind Kelana Jaya Giant)

Amir Hamzah said...

We are miles behind Liverpool laa bro. We just try to keep our spirits up. As for the meet, I will be there God Willing. Thanks for the invite!