Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kuala Terengganu: Personal or Collective Responsibility?

It is amazing how pathetically blind Pak Lah is to capitalise on recent statements by the Premier aspirant - the baggage carrying, altantuya haunted, superiority complex oriented Najib Razak.

His statement that the loss for UMNO in Kuala Terengganu is not a referendum on his leadership is the understatement of the year. Second only to another of his statement that PKR will 'bungkus' in Permatang Pauh.

Of course generally the BN should take the cake for the loss, since they are the ones who are participating in the By-elections. But did we remember what 'cake' Pak Lah took after the disastrous 'whoop-ass' received by BN in the 2008 General Elections? Everybody bayed for Pak Lah's blood - mentioning that the loss was a result of his lack of leadership capability, giving way to much leeway to dissent and last but not least, his apparent espousal of his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin.

Najib was no excuse, he also (though discreetly) engineered the earlier transition of power, by waking Muhyiddin and the other clowns, he managed to get Pak Lah to agree on the earlier transition. Even to the extent of capitalising on the Permatang Pauh loss to further this agenda.

BN should remember this, just because Najib is seemingly popular in UMNO does not mean he will become a good leader. His superiority complex dwarfs even Wan Ahmad Farid in Terengganu where he has since learnt that being 'in the clouds' does not pay at all.

If Pak Lah has to take the brunt and take personal responsibility for the March 2008 GE, Najib should similarly take personal responsibility for the loss in the General Elections, Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu and Nasaruddin's defection - which counts as 4-0 to Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

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