Monday, January 5, 2009

Ralat / Correction

Maybe it was due to my eagerness, or my ardent desire for Dr. Syed Azman to be our candidate for Kuala Terengganu, but as the news came out, the actual candidate is Abdul Wahid Endut. Well, what to do? dah tersilap. isk, isk, isk.



anfield devotee said...

Dear Sir,

RE: Syariah / hudud law posting
If you are indeed suggesting that syariah law only applies to Muslims & NOT the rest of us, then fine. Sorry if me misunderstood.

Of course, tis yer right to choose which laws you want to be governed by. No argument there. Similarly, non-Muslims should be accorded that right.

And of course there must be MATURE & OPEN discussions bout the legal implications of issues like conversion, mixed marriages & wills/heirs. These are issues which must be resolved.

We CANNOT, repeat, CANNOT condone MOB rule of any sort as seen during the recent Bar Council forum when the disgraceful behaviour of a certain PKR MP besmirched the good name of the opposition whilst the THREATENING behaviour of the other protestors gave Muslims everywhere a BAD name.

Idiocy in the name of religion can never be tolerated. Zulkifli Nordin is just another extremist/zealot posing in democratic sheep's clothing.

Other than that, me thinks Muslims have every right to choose the laws they wish to adhere to.

With regards me 2/3 comments, you misunderstand. Many a tine BN MPs in the past have had reservations bout certain laws. But party loyalty & fear meant they voted the legislation in. This has NOTHING to do with Muslim or not.

Having lived thru decades of Mahathirism, am sure you know what me is harping on about & can understand me reluctance to ever see a similar scenario again - Pakatan or otherwise.

ps: Have to play you blue-nosed twats twice in a week . . . aaaaaargh!

m.fairuz said...

bila pi KT?

Amir Hamzah said...

Dear sir, yes - this whole Syari'ah thing is about the Muslims being able to be governed by the laws of their choice.

As you have rightfully pointed out, there will be convergence issues between the two laws.

I have spoken to Professor Shad Saleem Faruqi of UiTM and have proposed that in those cases, the test of 'Law of Origin' shall apply. i.e. If the case is regarding conversion into Islam then the previous (conventional) law shall apply eve though the person is a Muslim at the time.

Similarly if the case is regarding conversion outside Islam then Islamic Law shall be used.

As I have explained of the impossibility of applying Hudud, we have to channel our resources towards those issues more at common to all of us; PAS or DAP, issues such as fairness, transparency, detention without trial, corruption etc.

But I do not appreciate Karpal Singh's actions. He is demanding PAS giving up their party's objectives. What would happen is PAS suddenly agrees with the pre-condition that DAP abandons its Bangsa Malaysia stand? would DAP agree?

I agree with you that matured discussions should be the order of the day. If no accommodative resolutions could be achieved, then we should agree to disagree and settle other issues for the time being.

PS. The Blue Side of Merseyside is relishing the prospect of crushing the REDS****S even without a striker!

Amir Hamzah said...

Abang Yeos, nampak gayanya tak dapat saya ke Terengganu, kena uruskan urusan keluarga. Kirim salam kat semua!

anaklangkawi said...

I cannot undestand why certain blog of non-muslims really against on this Huduh Law.

Before giving such comments & objection why not try to understand the law or how its been implemented. The law already existed quite a long time ago.

Having to say that Zul Nordin is a zeolot to democracy is not a good thing. What's the basic of democracy.? Its the right for people to give view & opinions.

The action taken by him was clearly a stand by him on his right & what he believe. I fully support his cause on this issue.

BAR council in fact should have concentrate to be professional in the way not being selective on certain issue. They also shows lack of professionalism on the issue of abuse used of children for Illegal demo's & such..

Bro amir
I fully support u on the hudud issue.

May the gods gives us light to those so they understand what we're trying to do.

anfield devotee said...

anak langkawi: You clearly don't understand the basis of me arguments or even what democracy is.

Democracy does NOT allow fer MOB RULE or threatening behaviour. You cannot "mencabar" people from doing what is required. In this case the legal implications of the issue at hand. Zul was not merely giving his opinions was he? Let's be frank la, ok. He was frothing at the mouth & making all sorts of threats. Zul DEMANDED that the forum be discontinued with immediate effect otherwise . . .
Smacks of Zionist behaviour don't you think?

Bar Council had to act as the parties were using it as a political football & the Rulers strangely silent. So what happens to all the families waiting in the courts over secret spousal conversions, children whose status are unresolved, wills being contested etc.
Bar Council unprofessional? Then who is supposed to discuss the legal implications of the many cases that are in court at the moment? You? Zul?

As fer me interjecting here, perhaps you still think that the world is your oyster & no one & nothing else matters.

Amir: As you can see from anak Langkawi's comments above, the problems we face as a nation. Anak Langkawi doesn't understand why me must voice our opinions on this matter - so much fer mature & open discussion.

Anyways, with regards yer positioning on PAS. Me understands. They like DAP cannot abandon their stated principles & objectives.

But let's face facts - times have changed since Mar8. And fact remains we are a multi-racial country.

Am not asking PAS to abandon their struggle. But merely see how they work on an agenda or manifesto that is all encompassing.

You know, make everyone believe in PAS, not just Muslims. Spell out how the non-Muslims feature in their plans.

Am not against Islam or PAS. But some serious soul-searching & change in tact from ALL parties is required if we are to move forward.

Good blog & look forward to exchanging ideas in a civilised manner with you.

ps: Waaah, lan si ah. Bring it on, me says. Let's see how well you do at Anfield.