Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Resah penduduk di penempatan haram Yahudi Zionis di bumi Palestin. "Kami diserang! anak-anak kami dalam ketakutan! kalau roket Hamas jatuh di tempat kami nanti bagaimana? Sebelum kami diserang lebih baik kami bunuh orang Palestin dulu!

Menteri Zionis: Apa kata kita ledakkan bom nuklear aje kat depa ni? baru best! aku tengok Bom Hiroshima kat YouTube, hancur luluh orang jepun tu!

Memanda Zionis: Ko ni bodoke? Kalau bom nuklear, habis laa kita kena sekali! kita hantar aje kereta kebal dan roket yang 10 kali ganda lebih besar, lebih dahsyat daripada yang Hamas punya. Kalau orang awam kena, kita katalaa itu hanya statistik biasa peperangan. Yang dia pi dok situ sapa suruh! Ko kena ingat! dah 4 orang Israel mati! kita mesti bunuh 4000 orang Palestin! setakat ni baru 600, tak cukup nisbah 1:1000 tu!

Menteri Zionis: Habis tu kenapa kita beli bom nuklear tu?

Memanda Zionis: Saja, nak takutkan orang Islam. Kalau Syria ke, Mesir ke, Saudi ke serang kita, bolehlaa kita ugut nak bom Mekah.

Menteri Zionis: okeylah. Tapi kalau kita serang, kalau kita sekat bekalan air, elektrik, minyak, gas dan perubatan kat depa, berhentike serangan roket Hamas tu? Aku rasa macam tak jadik aje. Lagi geram diorang lagilaa ramai pejuang depa!

Memanda Zionis: Yang sekat tu aku saja buat sebab depa sokong Hamas. Walaupun depa tak bersenjata, atau pun mereka tak sokong Hamas pun, depa kena dihukum jugak sebab depa tinggal di tempat tu! Sapa suruh dia tinggal kat Genting Gaza!

Menteri Zionis: Bukanke depa dah memang tinggal kat situ beribu tahun ke? bukanke kita yang takluk negara dia?

Memanda Zionis: Isk! kamu ni! sekarang ni Malaysia pun dah panggil kita 'Israel' bukan lagi 'Penempatan Haram Zionis'! yang ko pergi ingatkan benda tu pasal apa? Kalau satu dunia tak suka kita pun tak apalah. Asalkan mereka mengaku negara Israel ni wujud!



anfield devotee said...

amir / anak langkawi: pls refer to me comments in previous posting.


Selamat Tahun Baru 2“00”9 :-)

Kite Pakat Undi BN Deh :-)
Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia
Tiada ‘Hantu’ Di Kuala Terengganu ;-)

Amir Hamzah said...

Dear 'Anfield Devotee', WTF man give me your name by now laa! 0193714470.

Anyways I respect your views and I share a platform bigger and wider with you than with any of them from UMNO or BN. (No offence Faizal).

As I have said we need to reassert and defend the rights of our fellow Malaysians regardless of race and start to move the cannon to a common target - namely the world.

We should together in hand start living and working and planning for this country and begin to find ways and avenues to better ourselves. Especially our state of living.

Kepada Pejal Selamat Tahun Baru kepada mung dan semoga BN sedar ada dua perkara yang akan timbul sekiranya BN kalah:

1. Rakyat memaafkan peristiwa 16 September 2008 dan tidak sabar untuk pilihanraya yang seterusnya untuk menumbangkan BN; dan

2. UMNO perlu cari pengganti Najib sebab kalau PAS menang, bermaksud Melayu sudah tinggalkan UMNO dan kemungkinan besar disebabkan Najib akan jadik PM.

Apa-apapun saya mendoakan UMNO diberi hidayah dan saya mendoakan juga agar setiap langkah mereka adil dan diredhai Allah SWT.


anaklangkawi said...

Well maybe you forget about Malaysia uphold democracy berparlimen.. we not typical democracy similar like in U.S etc2.. u may have have you point & so do i..

YB Zul just doing so 'mencabar' after the Bar Council still go ahead with the plan of doing such talk after been talked by quite a lot of party (Police, government, opposition & muslims) for not doing so..
What are BAr Council trying to prove? Are they above the law? The discussion shall be made in closed doors not open like this..

You need to in-fact agree that when it comes to religious discussion its quite sensitive. I still stand behind YB Zul & others on what they act that day. Do you believe by having the discussion openly will solve the problem? Thank god they stopped or i dont know what will happen.

Thanks for the comment of myself anyway.. I merely accept your view & hopefully u'll accpet mine. Maybe i'm law oriented person like Amir or you but that does not my point less valuable that yours or amir's..

on the bi-election ..i wish PAS good luck & UMNO as well :).. hopefully this election will be free on incidents like in Permatang Pauh. :)

pls see my comment on bi-election


anfield devotee said...

Amir: Point taken. And yes, we need to forge the way fer a better tomorrow & fer an ALL inclusive Malaysia.
ps: Anfield Devotee is me name . . . he he. (ask nanda la)

anak langkawi: Sorry mate, you say me should accept that you have a valid point. Why? Would you say Israel have a valid right to defend itself? Thought not . . . but me seriously doubt you have the brains to see the analogy.

Bar Council above the law? In case you didn't realise, they were there to discuss the law behind CLOSED doors until they were rudely interrupted by Zul & his mob.

And why is it every time someone brings up democratic principles, you lots (ie zealots) hide behind the thin excuse that western-style democracy is not fer everyone? Pathetic.

Yer line of resoning is non-existent. You just LOUDLY exclaim no one has the right to peacefully discuss pertinent issues surrounding Islam.

You FAILED to answer me query regarding issues surrounding conversion, wills & birthrights. WHo shall resolve them when the case involves non-Muslim parties?

People like you offer no solution except to warn others not to "mencabar Islam" whenever civilised dialogue is mooted.

You & Zul Nordin are nothing but zionists in disguise . . .

anaklangkawi said...

Defend themself? Is it to the extend of killing innocent people, children, women & such ? What kind of justification is this ? Maybe you should count how many death of poor palestinian will it takes to defend itself right. Not to mention years of agression even before we are born..

What close doors? Its is close door in a way because its been done in a room. It should be a closed discussion. The discussion should not be in public even Anwar also agree with this.

Democratic prinsipal is uphold by whom? U tell me its the jews & anti-islamic people which use it to undermind the world in a way. Tell me what does democratic people of the world do when killings of thousands of muslims in Bosnia & Palestin? Pathetic. Its just a term to please some part of the party & deny others.

I in fact really amuse on how non-muslims never respected islams & tend to questions our religion. But what did muslims do? Do we ever question your faith in a way? Even in Quran it is forbiddens to questions other as we respect your thought. Well it does not applies to you, is it?

I do not want to answer your Question because i'm not the best men to answer it.. Maybe Amir can? :). The issue shall be resolve in a close discussion & invite all parties involve including the Islamic authorities, Persatuan Peguam Muslim & etc2. Not just held a questionable discussion which only been attended by majority of non-muslims.

Yes, when is comes to Islam i will stand on my ground without hesitate. Tell me what have Zul & myself have done to get such a remark by yourself..

Its seems that someones else is in disguise in the name of democracy..

anfield devotee said...

anak langkawi: precisely. like me said you wouldn't have the brains to see the point me was making. Me wasn't defending Israeli actions with me query. Me was likening yer train of thought to theirs . . .

Nuff said.

ps: Just where did anyone "insult Islam"? Yer an idiot . . .

anaklangkawi said...

anfield devotee

Thanks for saying that..
:). What diff does it makes between u & the israel then? never respect others..

enough said..