Monday, February 2, 2009

UMNO: RAHMAN theory ends with N

With the current political upheaval and the embarassment suffered by Barisan Nasional, it would seem to me that the 'Dukun', the 'Bomoh' or linguistically transliterated as 'Soothsayers' are correct after all - That UMNO's demise will come very soon or within his administration.

The RAHMAN theory - a theory held dear to UMNO - shows that the next premier will be Najib. It could be Najis or 'Faeces', or Nang Nak - the Thailand ghost who is as scary as the Mongolian ghost that thrives on haunting Deputy Prime Ministers.

One could also delve on the fact that relying on the RAHMAN theory is a blatant divergence from Islamic teachings. Where one puts one's future based on some prophecy from a non-prophet or Bomoh. In Islam, one must put one's trust and future to Allah SWT - the Lord of the Universe; and not to a Bomoh. To trust one's fate to a Bomoh is termed as 'Syirik' and anyone who believes in such a belief shall be burnt in hell.

So would Najib step down to deny this prophecy and save the Tauhid and Iman of the UMNO Muslims?

In any event, even if those who believe in the magical powers of the UMNO Bomoh, were to believe in the Prophecy; the question that pops to mind is - who will replace Najib? will Najib somehow embrace the dark side of the force and become immortal? or will he be bitten by a rabid werewolf or vampire to become eternal? both are quite impossible seeing that Star Wars and Western supernatural elements only occur in cinemas.

What I think is that Najib will assume the 'throne', but UMNO and BN will disintegrate and fall during his reign. Maybe too many people will be blown to bits, maybe too many people will be caught under ISA - But one thing is clear, the RAHMAN theory is coming to and end, and UMNO with it.


anfield devotee said...


Congrats la you bastards . . .

Cibai betul kalah last minute.

Amir Hamzah said...

alaa... sekali sekala menang laa. I'm off to read your blog about the Perak issue. It is getting bloody there bro!

Amir Hamzah said...
