Monday, March 9, 2009

Hotels in Malaysia: Ramblings of a Stomach!

As a Muslim and living in a so-called Islamic State as declared by UMNO by the then President Mahathir, I expected that the country would officially respect Islam and the various connotations that come with it.

When an emergency cropped up (my dearest grandmother was hospitalised due to major blood loss), I went to book at Muar's finest - a hotel in Muar, Johor (a predominantly UMNO state).

This is not the first and is not the last, but what happened for the last two days urged me to post this article. The Hotel pays scant regard for a Muslim person to cleanse him/herself. It would seem to be a small issue but not when your stomach is on the verge of collapsing and the only remedy you have is a cup (hygienically packed for drinking purposes) and a water tap that stretches your arm muscles to the limit.

It would be reasonable to expect that a water hose be installed, or at the least a pail (baldi) and a gayung (water scoop) be provided. I learnt later upon check out that I can request for this - but that is not going to stop me writing!

What I had to do was what I had to do in the hotels in Singapore and the majority of hotels in the world - by buying a large mineral water bottle from a local 7-11 outlet.

Although the rate of the hotel and the facilities were excellent, the unavailability of these essentials raise the question of what is the hotel management expecting? cost savings? it was rather odd for this particular hotel to be able to fork out money to place bibles in all the hotel rooms for the benefit of the Christians but for the Muslims some serious consideration should also be made.

This goes to the enforcement by the government, why won't the government gazette the requirement of installing a water hose by all hotels in Malaysia? is it too hard to do? There is also the case of Surau (Musolla) being too small, crowded and smelly in shopping facilities in Malaysia. Why are there no meaningful actions by the so-called 'Muslim' government in Malaysia? why are these issues being relegated and effectively made forgotten?

I have not also forgotten the rules stated in most water-theme parks where the 'aurat is made illegal and that tight and 'aurat defying swimwear are obligated before being able to join in. If these rules were made in a non-Muslim country then I wouldn't mind - but in Malaysia where Islam is the official religion - I want to be able to enjoy time with my family and keep my faith and trust to Allah SWT intact.


anaklangkawi said...

Dear Amir,

Agree with you. In fact i've face some incident where there's only Tissue in the toilet. Not to mention hotels in Kedah (Langkawi), Penang, Perak, KL & Johor.. All are famous hotels.. 4-5 Star rating.

But i supposed its the management of the hotel to be blame. I think its not fair to blame the BN or UMNO since there's quite number of hotels in area's under PR.

I suggest you proposed it to your MP of your constitution.. I think there's a lot of people will support. I will support this as well.. How come Malaysia as Islam is the official religion can tolerate this..

p/s: by the way who do think own's this Hotel.. they should be more sensitive.. "same with the Halal Issue'..

Amir Hamzah said...

I still think that after 51 years under Islamic rule we can at least ask JAKIM to enforce this. if they can 'samak' a whole ship why can't they do the same to this?

With your comments I agree that the Islamic Law Jurisdiction falls under the State, and it now falls to the State Governments to enforce this.

So it is up to the PR states to remedy this so as it may serve to 'wake up' other states under BN rule.

I still blame BN though, 51 years and I still have to 'cibuk' with a 7-11 Mineral Water bottle.

U're Rite said...

Wonder how is it in the Arabic countries in particular when 'Tayamum' need to be adopted. Anyone can enlighten this issue.

Amir Hamzah said...

Tayammum is a rukhsah available in events of extreme or dire necessity. However, in this blessed country of ours water is aplenty. The only reason stopping this is lack of will.

Maybe the hotel owners think that the Malay/Muslims are too insignificant in number to stay in hotels to affect their room plans?

Again, the government should enforce this as law. Not only by enforcing killings in jail and firing teargas at the Rakyat - this is an important issue too! at least for me and those with diarrhoea whilst staying at the hotels!

Unknown said...

ini macam hotel itu tmpt CSL bikin "kerja" aja berooo....

anfield devotee said...

(off topic): Dear bro Amir, the fate of humanity now rests with you. You MUST fooking stop da scum in the semis . . .

Amir Hamzah said...

Quintuplet eh Ferguson? we will skewer your dreams at Wembley with each stinging hair of Fellaini's Afro!

nanda666 said...

Interesting post dude!! hehehe!! Sorry bout your stomach problems.

On the issue, I take a different stand. I don't think that even the bible in every room is appropriate.

I strongly advocate that individuals should be responsible for their own faith and beliefs.

For example:

If a muslim chooses to have halal food, it is not an establishments duty to provide it.
Similarly, if a Hindu chooses to be a vegetarian, it is not expected that establishments have to provide it either.

The difference that I notice, and this is only my view, is that muslims tend to blame establishments for not catering to their beliefs and insist on others to accomodate their belief with rather strong conviction.

As a Hindu, I've not complained when I have been served beef at office functions, I've not complained when 15 minutes are spent on doa at office functions but can you imagine the impact if pork was served and muslims we subjected to a 15 minute pooja at office functions as well?

What I'm getting at is that we should look at satisfying our religious needs by ourselves and not expect anyone else to.

Next time, just have a baldi and gayung in your car or head to the nearest minimart and buy one!! hehehe!!!

Same way our vege friend, Siva, always has an apple or cheese sandwich ready during our office functions. (Because we seldom care that he's vegetarian.)