Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vengeance Against Rakyat: UMNO Style!

For too long have I wanted to write about this one curse that has enveloped me since my days at University, my years as a lawyer and present nowadays at my current place of work. The identity of which must remain secret if I was to continue my career there.

The bottom line is: Employers regularly victimise and harass citizens who is found to be against UMNO/BN.

I don't know whether it was due to utter phobia of punishment/retribution from BN/UMNO or whether it is just to 'play safe' - Malaysians who support Pakatan Rakyat and are found to be supporting them by the employers will face the music.

I myself have been denied employment, taken disciplinary action, reprimanded and all sorts and forms of harrassment and discrimination just because I was found to support PKR. Though Allah SWT has been merciful to me and allowed me a job (as I firmly believe that rezeki/livelihood comes from Him alone - not like that bloody Hai-O advert on Malaysian TV), I am always threatened one way or another, discreet or otherwise and constantly being reminded that I must set aside my political allegiances for the sake of my job.

This stubborn intolerance for dissent stems from a culture of fear cultivated by UMNO/BN that any dissent to their rule will be met with utmost retribution. Strangely enough any criminal or despicable acts on those who support UMNO/BN (such as Awang Selamat in his article in Mingguan Malaysia) will be forgiven and instead, their 'contribution to society' will be called in to dilute and finally negate these negative actions by them.

On my part, as my father succinctly puts it, is that we are mere cucumbers and they are durians. No matter who rolls over who, you will be the one who finally gets hurt.

Charges are usually camouflaged and can vary from 'political involvement', 'wasting company time', or 'termination of employment for company convenience'. I am ashamed of the utter cowardice as can be inferred from the wordings of the charges. Just say 'Employee against BN/UMNO and company is embarrased with Najib and the BN government', simple! I can then understand that my prosecution is made not by useless and cowardly people.

What happens if PR suddenly forms the Federal Government? Could I then pursue politics of retribution and exact my vengeance on these same people who have made me and my friends suffer? Surely by enacting these measures against PR supporters these employers understand that they will have to pay for their actions?

This is one cucumber that will not forget its injuries!!


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dia ni post message ke nak ceramah politik?

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