Saturday, July 18, 2009

Teoh Beng Hock: Seluarnya koyak bukti kena tarik??

Kedangkalan MACC dan saudara sekeparat mereka iaitu UMNO dan BN kini masih terkial-kial bagaimana hendak menguruskan kes kematian mengejut saudara Teoh Beng Hock. Menteri yang anaknya kaki perempuan - Nazri Aziz - telah mengatakan bahawa kita tidak boleh menyalahkan MACC, mungkin Teoh terjun dan bunuh diri?

Adakah akal dan logik tiba-tiba hilang apabila kita cuba membela mereka yang tidak sepatutnya?

Saya mungkin membuat spekulasi di sini tetapi pendapat saya berdasarkan gambar yang dibekalkan kepada saya nyata dan jelas, seluar Teoh koyak! bagaimana ia boleh koyak sekiranya beliau membunuh diri? apakah ada orang yang olok-olok mahu menghumbannya daripada tingkap dengan memegang seluarnya, tetapi seluarnya koyak dan ia terjatuh?

Saya pun tidak tahu. Lebih baik kita tunggu dan lihat dahulu apa hasil mahsul siasatan polis. Yang pastinya, Pengerusi SPRM harus bertanggungjawab kerana Teoh masih dalam siasatan MACC. Bukan itu sahaja! beliau haruslah bertanggungjawab atas tatacara ugutan dan desakan keterlalauan dalam mengendalikan kes ini.

Tetapi nyata Khir Toyo amat mengambil berat atas kejadian ini, mungkin beliau risau beliau mungkin juga 'akan dijumpai oleh pekerja kebersihan pada waktu pagi sembilan tingkat dibawah'. Namun begitu, mengenapa MACC lembab dan tak mahu ambil tindakan atas Khir Toyo? adakah pertalian beliau dengan BN menyelamatkannya dan Saudara Teoh terpaksa membayar padah maut kerana bersekongkol dengan Pakatan Rakyat?
Saya dengan ini menyokong penubuhan sebuah Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja untuk mengenalpasti siapa yang terbabit dan sekiranya ada identiti penjenayah yang timbul, maka tindakan tegas harus dikenakan.
Nampak gayanya selepas kes Altantuyaa Shariibuu, satu lagi nyawa terkorban disebabkan politik pada era pemerintahan Najib Razak.


AnTi AljUbuRi said...





Salinan ada kat

anaklangkawi said...

Salam bro..
maybe u forget that SPRM is not under BN.. its an independent body..
so drpd buat fitnah baik let the police do their work.. by the way 2 of your MP the member of SPRM.. what did they say on this issue?

p/s: dosa fitnah lebih besar dr membunuh..

nanda666 said...

We have a police force that you can pay RM 50 and get away with speeding, beating red lights, etc....pls la Anaklangkawi...saying let the police do their work is just so lame and ignorant.
but i do agree with you that speculating is wrong.
As the public, we need to ensure that the police does what is right and not what politicians tell them to do. That is where the royal commision comes in.

anfield devotee said...

nanda: Why ye even waste yer time with that fookhead la? Just ignore la. Obvious who he works fer rite. Nuff said.

But Amir, we owe to all decent Malaysians to make sure the guilty parties are out on trial & pay the max price fer their crimes.

But in Malaysia, chances of that happening are . . . non-existent?

Amir Hamzah said...

Look at that fucker 'Anti Whotsitsname'. He actually thinks that his fucking anonymity soothes his nerves! Bloody unknown coward! go fuck off and waste some other person's time with you cowardly comments. As for Anak Langkawi, bila SPRM nak siasat BALKIS? Khir Toyo pergi Disneyland? ADUN BN habiskan dana dalam 3 bulan pertama 2008 dah lupa? kalau bab spekulasi, korang pergi tanya Menteri Undang2 yang korang sembah bontot tu - kenapa buat spekulasi dia terjun bunuh diri. Aku ni siapa, dia tu kan Menteri? Menteri yang korang sembah macam tuhan tu? sekali lagi hujah korang hampeh. ngabihkan bogheh jo!

anaklangkawi said...

Corruption is everywhere.. please dont start the blame game. So if the bribe were done by some Gov officer in Selangor do we blame PR then?

Be maturedla..

nanda666 said...

I agree that corruption is everywhere. So??? why don't we make a FATWA and say that muslims can't be corrupt?????? That will be a great one for the JAIS to follow up on wouldn't it??? I would love to tell the cops that I can't "settle" or help with the "sekarang macam mana ni" becos there's a FATWA againts me giving you money!!!! hahahahahaha!!!

nanda666 said... set the record straight...I said our police force is corrupt becos i've experienced it personally....

PR gov...I haven't ..yet.

anaklangkawi said...

Come on-lah..
Corruption is sin in Islam.. dont try to make it a Religion issue..
Its the fact.. dont care who..
Come on lah.. dont try to provoke muslims..

i'm against corruption.. I dont care who..if 1 corrupt police we cannot blame everyone.. I question.. when u face corrupt police do you give in or do you report it to? just curious

U may have subjected to corruption by police.. What if i say i've been subjected to PR corrupt people?

Anyhow back to the topic.. Probably u can read this blog.. there's some truth on it..