Friday, November 27, 2009

1Malaysia Incites Racial Hatred - Confirmed by Muhyiddin!

It would seem that my disappointment with the lack of elocutory and political acumen of Malaysia's unfortunate DPM is well founded. His response to the press yesterday on 26 Nov 2009 as quoted by BERNAMA is akin to shooting himself at two points: 1) Acknowledging the BTN curriculum as racist and 2) Agreeing subsequently that this BTN curriculum is what 1Malaysia is all about.

His words as reported by BERNAMA was that BTN is used to inculcate nationalism and unity among the people in line with the 1Malaysia concept.

It is hillarious when all types of activities are somehow interconnected with the 1Malaysia concept even though BTN was established during Mahathir's regime.

In his zeal to counter Selangor State's ban he forgot the cardinal rule of debating - referring to proof. He has no idea what the Selangor State Government was referring to! well Mr Minister, let me show you what Tan Sri Khalid is referring to inter alia:

These mindless zombies singing away at a tune which actually explains UMNO's failure to safeguard the Malay interest throughout its establishment shows how desperate UMNO is at clinging to racial overtones to ensure survivability.

To the Malays they will sing this tune, but to the Chinese and Indians they will sing another song - something along the lines of 'unity' and 'bersatu'. I am confident that the Chinese and Indian voters will forever stay away from UMNO after listening to that song linked supra.

I challenge UMNO to deny that this song is not part of BTN and I urge my friends to circulate this video, especially to the Chinese and Indians to show how disgustingly two-faced bunch of liars they actually are.

1 comment:

anaklangkawi said...

dear Amir,
You should understand the lyric instate of using the song to blame BTN..

p/s: can't say more..