Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kekecewaan di Bazar Ramadhan

It is a norm for petty food traders and hawkers in this predominantly Muslim nation of mine to regard Ramadhan as a month to scour for extra revenue by opening stalls and selling a variety of foodstuff for Muslims to feast upon during breaking of fast.

It would seem illogical as Ramadhan is a month where our food intake is lessened, however what 'should be' is always different that what 'it actually is'.

During a month where lies and deceit should be subservient to fear of Allah, I find that Muslims have no such fear ESPECIALLY when serving and selling food to customers in these Ramadhan bazaars.

The quality of food is depressing, what nick-nacks that should taste sweet tastes bland; what should be round is instead oblong, and what should taste like rice instead tastes like paddy.

The objective of Ramadhan is never to hoard more money, au contraire - it is to resist temptations; to resist the temptation of unfair profit, of selling substandard products and most of all to evade cheating your kin.

I have assisted some families to setup stalls during Ramadhan in order to alleviate their suffering, with all the price hikes I think they need all the help they can get. Anyway these same people were caught up with the race to hoard money and were themselves guilty of doing the above antics.

Money will never be enough, but they should never compensate quality for mere fast cash. Lest people will not only decide to boycott their sales, but to also deny them assistance in the future.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you.

As to the bland food they claim that they're not allowed to taste what they cook during as they're fasting.

Anonymous said...

original pasar ramadan was at kamopung baru.
then it spread, food offered the same everywhere, and lousy.
Now i don't even bother to indulge.
The funny thing is, I have a funy feeling that many traders probably suufer a loss as many have made up their mind to eat at home and have real nourishing food.

Anonymous said...

Well the truth of the matter is that many of them learn how to cook just before or during the ramadan. if they had been cooking all their lives, they should take pride in the food that they cook especially for those who had performed their fasting. It is after ibadah to provide for the hungry.

Anonymous said...

I indulge by buying some food at these bazaars as it is something to do for one, especially by taking the children along to fill their time before we break fast.
But must admit that over the years, some "instant cooks" have surfaced who are not so great on "safety" of food handling and the prices are becoming exorbitant. Each year you get less and less for your money.
Maybe, health inspectors should do routine checks on the food handling issues. Also, I may be wrong, but I suspect that some of the stalls are manned by non Malaysians, and the owner of the food stall is also non Malaysian. If this later issue is checked and there is violation by "renting" out the stall permits, the long arm of the law should be very stringent.
You just try and see if a Malaysian can set up or run a stall in Indonesia, you will not last more than 10 minutes before you are brought to book.

Anonymous said...

oh my i so agree with you, I was just lamenting this same fact mere minutes ago before reading your article. Yesterday I had bought a pack of fried rice, which was outright spoilt.

I dont understand how people who cant cook, are selling food.

Another shop had a certain price one day, realisd they werent making MUCH profit, doubled the price the following other days...

I've gotten literally sick from eating from the bazaars.

Anonymous said...

Ramadan is to be a month of spirituality, according to what I have been told. It is a time for Muslims to improve their spiritual health by a stint of abstinence which will also strengthen their physical health. But for many people it seems to have become a daily orgy of gorging, wasteful indulgence and flaunting of their wealth as soon as buka puasa time comes. Has Ramadan in Malaysia encouraged sinning? Yes overeating is sin against the soul and body. The Chinese are just as guilty. Witness the countless restaurants and dim sum outlets sprouting all over the place with each passing week. I think there is going to be a big health crisis among Malaysians soon.

Anonymous said...

pasar ramadan is to make money. that is. so many stall dont put price list. either they forget or want tipu harga.

Anonymous said...

What do you folks thing of the kurma (dates)? How safe are they? I seem to have got stomach upset the times I eat these. These dates come from Arab nations (far away), they are dry,storage and possible source of bacterial/fungal growth. Do the authorities do culture studies on these dry food?

Amir Hamzah said...

Thanks all for your comments. Honestly I think that pure desperation due to surreal economic prosperity is to be blamed.

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

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