Wednesday, August 20, 2008

P44 - Permatang Pauh - Our Prayers for Anwar

In the name of Allah SWT, the most beneficient, the most kind. We pray to you to deliver us safely to Permatang Pauh on this Friday, 22 August 2008 and in the embrace of your protection.

O Allah! grant us the strength to battle the cowards, the evildoers, the inept, desperate and the liars, and deliver us and Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim the greatest win for Pakatan Rakyat. Grant us strength, clear our tongues and give us intellect to wage war against the traitors of your religion.

O Allah! firm these steps, and shake the grounds of our enemies, let them fall and cower from your anger! Put fear in their hearts and make them tremble. O Allah! We beseech you to give Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim the justice that he deserves! for surely you are with the righteous.

Ya Arhamar Raahimiin! I beseech you among thousands of others as being of the oppressed, we pray to you O Allah! strike your wrath against those who punishes us without due cause, who sacks us from our jobs, who takes away from the poor, who eats the rights of the poor and orphan, who give stern threats and warnings to quit from fighting in your name O Allah! Verily you hear the prayers of those who are oppressed!

Ya Zal Jalaaliwal Iqraam! We bow and prostrate before you as being amongst the believers. To you we submit and to you we surrender our life. Deliver Dato' Seri Anwar to Parliament so that he may glorify thy name! Deliver him to Parliament and deliver to him a new government so that Islam shall be returned to its former glory in the name of Islam and Justice for All!

Amin! Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin,

PuteraBatu di Permatang Pauh

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