Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hudud: What I hope is Anwar's Stand

In Lundang, Kelantan, UMNO through Khairy Jamaluddin originally thought that Husam Musa was stirring the strong Muslim sentiment in the Kuala Terengganu by-election to his benefit by advocating that Hudud shall be implemented by PAS should Pakatan Rakyat take over the federal government. UMNO was all very defensive at this point. Then UMNO realised and pointed this out to MCA, MIC and Gerakan and decided to use the issue to gain mileage against Pakatan Rakyat in the same by-elections.

It is not hard to decipher. UMNO cannot complain against Hudud much because they are Muslims; and being Muslims they cannot 'bantai' Hudud that much, so they decided to send their 'attack dogs' to do their dirty work - namely MCA, Gerakan and MIC. That's right, they are DOGS - the same label that that shoe-throwing Iraqi shouted against George W Bush. Shame on you UMNO, using MCA, Gerakan and MIC (again) as brainless puppets regurgitating your own voices and thoughts.

These three stooges does not understand Islam or Hudud, that is why they rely on UMNO to supply them with what to say, and afterwards MCA, Gerakan and MIC pathetically and predictably go and bark like mad, like dogs.

Anyway, Hudud shall not apply to those who have not broken the law. So why are we being so sensitive to the rights of the convict? It is not like they are being unfairly treated. They shall be allowed proper legal representation and rights normally given to an accused under the law. They will not be incarcerated without trial like the ISA. So Islam is against ISA. (I would like those so-called Malay/Muslims in Pulau Pinang to read this carefully). ISLAM IS AGAINST ISA!

For the Muslims, are we saying that Allah does not know how to create laws? or that we are better at creating laws than Allah? In saying that we are Muslims, it means that we submit and we obey to Allah and his laws. Are we disputing the fact that the Holy Qur'an is untouched by mortals? or that the Holy Qur'an is only applicable at certain places for certain times? Are we that type of Muslim that believes in parts of the faith and reject the other parts? if that is the case then you are not a Muslim - because you have not understood the Qur'anic verse that reads that one must fully submit to Islam.

I vehemently agree that it should be implemented, because I am academically convinced that the law is suitable in Malaysia and because it has overwhelming crime-prevention appeal, but it should be implemented with the concurrence of the special majority in Parliament. If that cannot be achieved, not only Hudud, but any amendment to the Federal Constitution cannot be made - such as amending the Constitution to accommodate Pak Lah's special 'Reform Bills'. It is technically impossible! at least in the present time!

So DAP should calm down. Thus far, the mere mention of Hudud sends an automatic objection from DAP. PAS and a substantial amount of Muslims in PKR agree that Hudud should be applied; but it is 'technically impossible' in the present time until such time that the non-muslims agree for it to be implemented. How can that scenario be achieved? when these non-muslims understand and want it to be enforced! This is because a special majority (that is 2/3 of the total MPs in Parliament) require that the non-muslims themselves to agree for it to be done. Can it be achieved in the present time with the slanted and disgustingly distorted view of Islam in the minds of these non-muslims? of course not! not in the present time! not at the present mindset!

To MCA, Gerakan and MIC, challenge UMNO and see for yourselves whether they are obligated by Islam to enforce Hudud. I am confident that you are in for a rude awakening!


anaklangkawi said...

There is no doubt that UMNO supports hudud all the way. In-fact in Islam point of view we need to support it.

Having said that UMNO also know its quite hard to make Hudud as a law in Malaysia since Non-Malay/ Islam dominent party is against it & those parties always make it as a political issue. PAS just realise it (even though they are condemning UMNO all these times)..

Dont doubt bout it .. MCA, DAP, Gerakan & some quaters of PKR MP's is against it..

Having to said that. I've been waiting patiently by DSAI statement on the issues.

p/s: I must say this issue should be agreed by all & its up to us weather UMNO, PAS or PKR to make non-muslim understand its a great law..

Amir Hamzah said...

True, brother. We have a lot of explaining to do and if any party is serious enough to implement Syari'ah then that party must work doubly hard to make the non-muslims (and the muslims for that matter)understand how the Syari'ah is actually better than the conventional legal system.

PS: lawa pokok tu, kat mana ambik gambar?

anfield devotee said...

Dear Sir,

Understand yer sentiments. But you seem to forget that a substantial number of the population are non-Muslims. Hence, we are distinctly uncomfortable with a non-secular set of laws & regulations.

As fer yer 2/3 majority safety net, lest we forget, this is the first time a certain party does not have that number. It is easy to imagine that being the scenario again. We NEVER want to return to a state where one party can BULLDOZE legislation thru, especially one that is as wide-ranging as hudud.
Am sure you can remember various instances when 2/3 majority passed laws that MANY Malaysians objected to.

With regards to yer comments regarding man-made law v God's law, please note ultimately it will be HUMANS who enforce & apply the letter of the said law. You telling me there'll be no error, mala fides & other human improprierty with hudud?

Am sorry, but in a multi-racial & multi-faith country such as ours, a democratic & secular system, however flawed, it may be, is to be prefered.

Lastly, happy new year to you & keep up the good fight.

ps: me voted PAS in the last election.

Amir Hamzah said...

As I have mentioned, if there is ever any chance of Syari'ah (I choose this over Hudud) being implemented, the non-Muslims will have to agree. So therefore at this particular juncture and seeing the current apprehension by some quarters (not only non-Muslims you know!) this just cannot seem to be done!

As for the bulldozer thingy, this is another scenario that just cannot happen. Are you telling me that the entire 2/3 majority of parliamentarians who is going to say 'aye' to Syari'ah are Muslims? Out of the 222 Parliamentary seats contested, 148 of them are won by Muslims? Remember, the total number of Muslim seats in Parliament at this particular time (BN+Pakatan) is only 122, and even then, among this number, a substantial number of them will object to this idea.

As for the implementation by man thing, the current conventional system is concrete proof that man-made laws has in effect, failed. The option was given and still man failed. Not only that, we are too fearful of giving a chance for Syari'ah to be implemented. based on what? based on our prejudices and fears. Ignoring the facts that the system can be 'restored' in the next GE.

I still hold firm that Islamic Law should be applied to the Muslims and that the non-Muslims be given the right to be governed by any law they please. Any attempt to deny this, is an encroachment to the personal rights of the Islamic community. Please be reminded that this is mooted to be implemented to the Muslims only.

In any event, I salute the intelligence of your arguments and this may show that Malaysians are more receptive to intellectual discourses rather than bullish measures.

anyways good luck on the assault on the Premiership dude! I think the blue side of Merseyside will rather Liverpool win it than the devils or Chelski!

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Janganlah cabar UMNO tau :-)

(( Renungkan )) Ke Mana Kita Mahu Pergi?
Forum Generasi Muda
Pakatan Antara Parti Lawan Tidak Kekal

Amir Hamzah said...