Saturday, February 28, 2009

Makkal Sakthi at Bukit Selambau?

Sometimes it is vexing to understand the vanguards of Malaysia Law - the Royal Malaysian Police ("RMP"). They seem to be doubly worried and perplexed when a group of three persons or more are assembling. Even more so when the objectives of the assembly seem to be implicating the ruling government in certain 'misplaced' actions.

The actions by the RMP in blasting a congregation of Hindraf supporters this morning with water is nothing more than a justification to the Rakyat that the RMP is nothing but a big bully.

They seem to have nothing better to do, and giving warnings against 'illegal assembly' against the very people they are sworn to protect suggests that the RMP is now awaiting clearance to join the Barisan Nasional as the latest component party. Where were you when the 'Celaka's from UMNO Youth were assaulting Pakatan MPs?

My friends in Hindraf, remember what Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim said in response to whether he is showing too much 'face' to the Chinese and Indians: 'The children of the Malays are my children, so are the children of the Chinese and Indians - they are my children'.

When the candidacy for Bukit Selambau is announced, I pretty damn well hope that a person representing Hindraf is selected. My boys and I will be sure to be there, helping the cause in whatever means we can.

I strongly suggest that we allow a candidate from Hindraf to contest in Bukit Selambau. Let the voice of MAKKAL SAKTI rings through the hills of Kedah and bring justice to Uthayakumar!


the seventh waves said...

The criteria should be an indian politicain who is capable,and a reformist,not some empty vessel,who can just shout and wail.Your post "sounds" like a threat, HINDRAF means no support from the indian community?Well,HINDRAF is now a 2 man show.Uthaya and his brother.Thenindran is very questionable because Malaysiakini reported last year,he issued a statement saying Prof Ramasamy has betrayed the indian community!That's what samy has been saying for the past couple of days!!Vasanthakumar?Didnt Vedamorthy say that he is an SB?Why is that Ganapthi Rao,Manogaran,and the 3rd detainee endorsed Vasantha's candidacy,and not Uthaya?HINDRAF rally awakened the indian community.This is a fact,but there are lot's of quation marks regarding the org.Let an indian candidate,who is dedicated,selfless be the one who will will finally run for the post,not some rebel rouser,who has little capbilities in handling very delicate matters!!

Amir Hamzah said...

To be honest what I hoped for was someone to settle Samy Vellu and MIC for good and the legitimate representative from Hindraf. For me I wouldn't care who it was as long as he/she was championing the rights of the Indians; but I would go further, the candidate should be better - someone who is going to fight for all Malaysians regardless of race who happens to be Indian.