Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Elli Wong: Khir, do your worst!

According to Malaysiakini's report today 15/4/09, he welcomed Elizabeth Wong's offer to continue her office and her role as the State Representative for Bukit Lanjan, and he mentioned that he will use this as a political issue to comment on the morality of Pakatan assemblypersons.

I say go for it Khir, go and dig your own grave. Your extravagance, pompousness and arrogance will confirm your date with political oblivion come the next general elections.

Not only you seem to enjoy immunity from prosecution by the MACC or the AG (that includes your wife!) you also defended your excursions to all the various Disneylands in the planet saying that 'you will pay' for all the dough paid by PNSB to finance you and your family's 'first class all the way' vacation.
The more you use Elli's issue, the more alienated will you and your racist organisation that is UMNO be from the Rakyat. You fail to understand the protection Islam accords to the individual - regardless of race, and you unashamedly announce to the world that not only are you insensitive to the suffering of Elli but you are willing to use her suffering as political mileage. Conveniently enough to divert attention from your Disneyland 'technical' travels.

I am announcing an online offer to the readers of this post. If anyone wants to buy please do let me know. I hope that by the time the next general elections begin, we can campaign house to house whilst wearing that hat. Please refer to the picture as enclosed and pick your fancy!
I will be taking the Mickey out of the son of Toyo. Let's see if that smarts!


anfield devotee said...

This dude is like a stubborn cum stain that won't come off the sheets . . . farkin hell.

What me canna understand is how the fook is everyone NOT up in arms over the blatant misuse of public funds?

Bastardo to the max la this muthafooker.

There are NOT enough expletives in any language to relay the utter hatred & contempt me has fer this . . . this . . . (*give up*)

nanda666 said...

I think those hats look soooooo cute.....Imagine Khir making a public address and members of the public in the crowd have those hats on!!!! (Just imagining it makes me LOL!!! hahahha!!)

anaklangkawi said...

Maaf.. ttp PKR ckp tak serupa bikin... How can Morally unfit person become still have place in PKR & also holding Exco.
so many problemla PKR.. one after another..

p/s: having to said that.. of course PKR always have an excuse..

Amir Hamzah said...

With all due respects to Anak Langkawi, I do not regard Eli's case as being 'immoral'. She is not a Muslim and for all I know from my standpoint as a Muslim, being a single non-Muslim woman, she can do what is allowed by her personal law and customs.

It is sad to see your biased viewpoint as you have conveniently forgotten about the adultery of the already married Chua Soi Lek, still in BN and a Deputy President of a racial party; Ali Rustam, twice indicted for 'money politics' a convenient term to hide the term 'corruption', who is still in BN and a Chief Minister; Khairy Jamaluddin, who was found 'involved' in 'money politics' but was let off with a warning (and still in BN); Mat Taib - who suddenly 'cannot speaka da English' who was charged with bringing USD2million without proper documentation. Not mentioning 'kahwin lari' with a Sultan's daughter.

Remember that it was UMNO who coined terms such as 'money politics' to hide the obvious fact - that they are a bunch of corrupt bigots.

Don't forget Toyo and his Disney escapades. Where is the morality there? Especially a Muslim?

I am sure UMNO also will have a lot of justifications for these excesses yeah? like it was done for 'technical research' and crap like that...

Let's face it, your party reeks of double-standards and corruption so foul that the permeating stench will accompany its followers from this world to the lowest sanctums of hell.

I suggest that you do not accompany them.

Vive la Resistance!

anfield devotee said...


Amir Hamzah said...

LOL! that's not him dude! In as much I want him to be caught nude with Rafidah Aziz but the truth must be told. nice one though!

mohd ali ismail said...

Allow me to add a tinny winny bit of Amir Hamzah's comment about Elli: Elli used her own time and her action was not connected to any criminal act like corruption,misappropriation of funds or misuse of power.She's being human.

Amir Hamzah said...

Good discussion! keep it up!

nanda666 said...

Well done Everton!!!!

anfield devotee said...

(*clap clap clap*)

Syabas ye bluenosed fooks!

Have to admit it, it was great to see Moyes stand up & OPENLY accuse Mike fooking Riley of being a manc!

Paid dividends didn't it? . . . hee hee

Well fooking done!