Sunday, July 5, 2009

Strengthen Communications and Unity!

Sometimes I really wonder whether my leaders in Pakatan Rakyat thinks better than I can, speak better than I or even plan better that I will ever be capable of.

In my years of existence within the folds of opposition politics, I think DAP, PAS and PKR have identified and appointed capable leaders who can actually think of very clever strategies to win the hearts and votes of the Rakyat.

However with the advent of the issues in Kampung Buah Pala, the sacking of the MPSP Councillor from PKR, the PAS 'unity government' issue and the pulling out of the sole DAP rep in Pakatan Rakyat Kedah, problems have indeed escalated.

For the DAP, I wonder why Lim Guan Eng has spirited himself immediately to the defence of Kedah DAP Chairman Thomas Su, who may have reasonable basis in his mind, but lacks the mental capacity to understand the national ramifications of his actions.

I applaud Lim Kit Siang's diplomatic manner to address the issue. His method of meeting the state DAP and formulating solutions to the issue before meeting Kedah MB Ustaz Azizan shows maturity and his position not to allow the deterioration to continue. For the issue will be played by the goons in UMNO and BN who wishes for the destruction of Pakatan Rakyat.

As for the MPSP issue, clearly the decision to decide on the sacking of Johari Kassim was made by the majority who happens to be DAP members toeing the line. In Johari's appointment was a political decision, then logic dictates that only by way of requesting PKR to consider Johari's sacking is to be made. Lim Guan Eng must give respect to the Pakatan Rakyat, the same respect that he said is lacking by virtue of the illegal pig abbatoir in Kedah.

For the Kampung Buah Pala issue, there is always an answer to any problem. Why don't the State Government award them new lands elsewhere and with adequate compensation? For years we have fought BN/UMNO over land development. We knew then that we cannot stop development, but what we fought tooth, nail and claw for was for adequate compensation. Surely this is a win-win proposition?

As for the Unity Government issue, for those who keeps on holding on to this, ask yourself this question. 'What benefit do the Malays get with this? Will PAS be betrayed by UMNO (again)? will only UMNO get the benefit out of this?'

The answers will undoubtedly lead to the response that any co-operation with UMNO will lead to its downfall.

We must constantly be reminded of the shameful ways UMNO/BN clings on to power. How they abused the mass media, how they twist and distort facts and the way they incarcerate individuals without respecting the cardinal rule in law that 'a person is deemed innocent until proven guilty'.

Let us remind ourselves that we have to bring this government down! let's look at the macro level and do not allow petty indifferences tear us apart. I am proud of the mindset of our leaders in Pakatan Rakyat. They do not hide their feelings and are willing and able to air their views. This is already a major plus point on Pakatan Rakyat. The people are confident that their grouses will be aired notwithstanding party policies. However, we can also improve ourselves on how to air these views, how to settle them and get a comprehensive decision. UMNO merely bullies and batters MCA, MIC and the rest of the cartoons into submission. Therefore we can DEFINITELY show them 'This is How We Do It" by adopting the problem solving mechanism ASAP.


anaklangkawi said...

This what happen when there is no basic ground on why DAP, PKR & PAS make the pact.. its just a basis of crushing BN..

p/s: i suggest u suggest PAS, DAP & PKR make a proper party like BN.. but i'll doubt no one will agree.. becoz these 3 parties not sincere all along...

kok said...

Good move by Kedah DAP. If handled properly, this will strengthen Pakatan.

To begin with, this is a decision at a DAP state level, where they said they will listen to the center. They hedged wisely.

It illustrates DAP is willing to give up power to protest (one Dun, three councillors and 43 village appointments).

While MCA is happy to fan the fire, did MCA quit the BN government when BN did wrong?

It illustrates a single DAP Dun seat can rock the national coalition, strengthening DAP position in the eyes of voters, and reassuring DAP supporters who voted for PAS. A win for DAP.

Also a win for Pakatan because Chinese supporters of PAS can see effective protest by coalition partner DAP even if they voted in a non DAP seat.

Same logic for voters of other states that are not yet under Pakatan. It illustrates DAP needs to get more seats come the next election. Another win for DAP.

This is another blunder by the unpopular Kedah MB. It increases consensus within Pakatan and the excuse to remove him later. He is just digging his own political grave.

They should now just delay the abattoir demolition, find a temporary location, then find a good permanent location.

Pakatan will be strengthened tremendously if this is resolved properly.

julee said...

This country has racist laws that discriminate against minority citizens. Over the last 3 decades the discrimination has gotten from bad to worse.

The policies of this government reminds us of South Africa apartheid days which was condemned by all humanity.

I wonder how these racists can reconcile their actions with the tenets of their religion.

ruyom said...

The name Melayu is an Indian word to denote hills or mountain range. There is a place in South India called Melayur.

Indigenous people who marry Muslim Indians from Melayur identified themselves as Melayur.

Over time, as the Malay kingdom spead through insular SEA, the word Melayur became simply as Melayu.

If one were to do genetic test on the modern Malay in Peninsula Malaysia, they would invariably carry genetics from Indian to explain the darker complexion and kinky hair of most Malays as opposed to the Mongolid look of some Malays of original Malayo Polynesian, Dusun or Dayak stocks.

The real natives or indigenous people of the Peninsula Malaysia can be found in the Northern parts of Peninusla Malaysia apart from the aborigines.

Amir Hamzah said...

Gentlemen, allow me to welcome you to Puterabatu. Though not on the same side of the fence, I agree with Anak Langkawi that we should register ourselves as a proper coalition.

As for the others, I suggest that we take a step back and remind ourselves that all Pakatan State Leaders, notwithstanding Lim Guan Eng or Ustaz Azizan, have their strengths and weaknesses. But they all should understand the consensus of Pakatan Rakyat. They are but servants to us - the Rakyat.

Let us set these differences aside, let UMNO Kelantan grind each other to smithereens and give PAS a windfall win in DUN Manek Urai!