Saturday, March 20, 2010

PAKATAN RAKYAT LOGO: Adopt the Orange Rose ASAP!

I am not a part of the powerful decision-making body of PKR, let along Pakatan Rakyat, but I do think that I have some suggestions that may prove to be useful and strategic for the success of PR.

With this two things sprang to mind; 1) The unwillingness of PR to adopt the 'Orange Rose' as our common logo; and 2) What is the status of the registration of PR as a political bloc?

For years we have been labelled as a 'marriage of convenience', that is until we swept to power in 5 states and made Khir Toyo a laughing stock with Mickey Mouse's ears! Anyway we should be pragmatic and sensible enough to realise that the only way we can TRULY get Malaysians to rally behind our cause is for them to rally behind a common banner, common logo and common battlecry.

The flag has always been something which I think can decide the outcome of any battle. From the actual battles fought in wars to political maneouverings, the flag must be the one thing that unites.

In the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW the importance of the flag was excellently portrayed by the feats of Mus'ab bin Umair RA who, in the Battle of Uhud, stood tall at the front of the Muslim Army carrying the Islamic Standard. The Muslims, who lost the war, were decimated. But Mus'ab did not waver. He carried the standard/flag until his right hand was cut off, not wanting to demotivate the Muslim army, he held the standard high with his left arm, which was also cut off shortly afterwards. Mus'ab then grasped the standard with whatever remnants that are left of his two arms before the standard finally fell when he was stabbed in the stomach.

In Hitler's Germany, Der Fuhrer's belief that the Swastika holds seemingly mystical powers is reflected in him visiting the flag bearer of each batallion before mobilisation, grasping the flag in his own hand and then passing it back to the Commander; showing that the flag is endowed with the power and spirit of the Fuhrer himself.

I myself, held the PKR flag throughout rain or sunshine on Election Day in 1999. It was at Wangsa Maju when Marina Yusoff was standing in against an UMNO man. At that time my family and myself brought the flag anywhere we went, we waved the flag in our cars at the highways and roads and stopped at every BA stall we could find to donate and help whatever we could.

I think that although Pakatan Rakyat (or alternatively suggested by the ROS as Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia) has yet to be formally and legally registered, we can adopt the logo and flag immediately. I am confident that everybody is happy with the design and maybe in the future a competition could be made to design a new logo. But for the time being I think that adopting this Orange Rose as the Official Pakatan Rakyat Logo would be a strong impetus for further efforts to solidify and reinforce comraderie between PKR, PAS dan DAP supporters.

I have yet to see anyone selling PR jackets or T-Shirts and I tell you what, if I see one I will immediately buy more than one. And my priority to get that clothing will override any other logo, though it being the best PKR T-Shirt with holograms coming out!

Salam Reformasi,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it