Wednesday, May 28, 2008

UMNO Masih Persoal Niat Ezam

Temubual Ezam Mohd Noor di TV3 petang tadi (28 mei 2008) telah menambahkan lagi keresahan UMNO sama ada benar atau tidak mantan Ketua Angkatan Muda KeADILan itu merupakan senjata sulit Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk memporak-porandakan UMNO sebelum pemilihan UMNO pada Disember 2008.

Temubual TV3 bersama Dato' Seri Hishamuddin Hussein telah jelas menunjukkan adegan kurang senang Menteri Pelajaran tersebut apabila menjawab soalan-soalan wartawan berkenaan kemasukan Ezam.

Ramai ahli UMNO dikatakan kurang senang dengan tindakan Perdana Menteri membenarkan Ezam memasuki semula UMNO tanpa syarat dan mempertikaikan mengapa tiada seorangpun bekas ahli KeADILan yang menyertai UMNO pada 2004 seperti Roslan Kassim dan Lokman Noor Adam sudi menemani beliau.

Didalam temuramah bersama TV3 Ezam ternyata jelas menyatakan hasratnya untuk meneruskan Agenda Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim di dalam UMNO dan cita-citanya adalah untuk membanteras rasuah di dalam UMNO.

Ahli-ahli Pakatan Rakyat akan terus memerhatikan berapa jauhkah dan setinggi manakah Ezam dibenarkan menyusup didalam UMNO untuk melaksanakan Agenda Perubahan yang diulang Ezam di dalam temubual tersebut berkali-kali. Harus diingat ungkapan 'Agenda Perubahan' adalah 'Manifesto Anwar Ibrahim' yang menjadi teras persefahaman Pakatan Rakyat.

Sekiranya percaturan bijak pimpinan tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat ini berjaya, berkemungkinan besar Ezam akan memainkan peranannya untuk melakukan 'Agenda Perubahan' ini serta-merta dan kesannya akan dilihat pada keputusan pemilihan UMNO nanti. Sama ada kesan ini positif atau negatif kepada Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi atau lawan-lawannya - kita tungguuuuu!

Amir Hamzah Amha


george k said...

Are all these true ???????????


Crime does PAY…………… POLITIC esp; in M’sia

No wonder S’pore is so fluid…….who needs SC !!!!!!!!

Subject: Shocking Findings------was not reveal untill now

Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 09:41:50 +0800

Pass it on to ACA________________________________



The information regarding the Fixed Deposit Accounts of Mahathir's

wife and 3 of his children are as below. These accounts were opened at

an Israeli Singapore-based bank in the neighboring country of

Singapore. The bank is ISRAELI NATIONAL BANK.

That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:

Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other foreign government.

Derived by the various companies of Mahathir's cronies.

Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO's account which

Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.

Details of accounts are as follow:

Family of Dr. Mahathir:

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : AGF-2192-2442-722-(X)

Amount : USD 4,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 25/06/95

Date of Maturity : 25/06/98

(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)

(Extension interest agreed upon)

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : FA-4196-2493-313 (A)

Amount : USD 8,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 09/06/97

Date of Maturity : 09/06/00

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : DD-3919-714-271-(A)

Amount : USD 5,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 06/12/95

Date of Maturity : 06/12/98

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : FB-5614-1499-515 (C)

Amount : USD 9,800,000.00

Date of opening account : 12/11/97

Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : CE-2418-7172-492 (E)

Amount : USD 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 07/03/98

Date of Maturity : 07/03/01

Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali

Post : Wife of Prime Minister

Passport No. : D 173596 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : GB-6921-4212-712 (F)

Amount : USD 6,650,000.00

Date of opening account : 19/03/95

Date of Maturity : 19/03/98

(Maturity continuity to 19/03/2001)

Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir

Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President

Passport No. : R 671918 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : C-719-418-210 (M)

Amount : USD 13,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 17/06/96

Date of Maturity : 17/06/99

Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir

Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President

Passport No. : R 671918 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : F-817-200-11 (C)

Amount : USD 12,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 03/12/96

Date of Maturity : 03/12/99

Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir

Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President

Passport No. : R 671918 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

5 years

Account No : G-211-922-718-2 (D)

Amount : USD 15,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 12/07/97

Date of Maturity : 12/07/02

Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

1 years

Account No : F-3532-3310-501 (NG)

Amount : USD 15,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 21/09/98

Date of Maturity : 21/09/99

Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : DA-9159-7211-819 (M)

Amount : USD 4,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 20/05/96

Date of Maturity : 20/05/99

Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : ME-3138-5144-219 (A)

Amount : USD 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 08/09/97

Date of Maturity : 08/09/00

13. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Current Account

Account No : A-7213-4441-223 (MB)

Amount : USD 15,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 11/12/97

Withdrawal : USD 5,000,000.00 on 10/02/98

Cheque No. F2912718

Deposit : USD 9,500,000.00

Last Balance : USD 19,500,000.00

Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

1 years

Account No : F-3518-3279-441 (ND)

Amount : USD 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 08/09/98

Date of Maturity : 08/09/99

Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 719325 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : M-3121-3149-512 (D)

Amount : USD 7,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 03/12/95

Date of Maturity : 03/12/98

Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 914315 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : LA-5716-3919-862 (C)

Amount : USD 15,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 16/08/96

Date of Maturity : 16/08/99

17. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 914315 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

2 years

Account No : CM-6983-7419-365 (F)

Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 29/06/97

Date of Maturity : 29/06/99

18. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 914315 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

2 years

Account No : JE-8145-6073-396 (L)

Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 15/11/97

Date of Maturity : 15/11/99

19. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 914315 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

3 years

Account No : YE-3909-2616-398 (M)

Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 25/11/97

Date of Maturity : 25/11/00

20. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 914315 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

1 years

Account No : G-7051-3996-521 (EC)

Amount : USD 12,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 26/09/98

Date of Maturity : 26/09/99

21. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 639296 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : M-2074-6219-332 (E)

Amount : USD 8,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 05/06/97

Date of Maturity : 05/06/99

22. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 639296 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : DL-6074-3691-7785 (E)

Amount : USD 3,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 26/09/97

Date of Maturity : 26/09/00

23. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir

Post : Son of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 639296 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

3 years

Account No : CF-3711-5681-742 (G)

Amount : S $ 7,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 06/07/96

Date of Maturity : 06/07/99

24. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir

Post : Daughter of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 697339 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : EX-6965-7718-396 (D)

Amount : USD 15,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 19/11/97

Date of Maturity : 19/11/99

25. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir

Post : Daughter of Prime Minister

Passport No. : R 697339 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

2 years

Account No : FN-1799-6673-983 (M)

Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 21/01/98

Date of Maturity : 21/01/00


USD 199.45 MILLION AND S $ 42,000,000.00 IN FIXED DEPOSIT

Ponder on the amount and think for yourself how could they have

acquired these vast amount of wealth just being the wife and children

of the PM of Malaysia ????



1. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali

Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister

Passport No. : C 341872 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : BB-1792-5126-2197-14 (XD)

Amount : USD 6,600,000.00

Date of opening account : 14/12/96

Date of Maturity : 14/12/98

2. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali

Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister

Passport No. : C 341872 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : MG-3014-2132-5188-19 (NF)

Amount : USD 11,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 16/05/97

Date of Maturity : 16/05/00

3. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali

Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister

Passport No. : C 341872 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : NE-5179-2212-6125-42 (CE)

Amount : USD 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 18/06/98

Date of Maturity : 18/06/00


USD 23,100,00.00


26. 1. Name : Mr. Mohammad Najib Bin Abdul Razak

Post : Minister of Education

Passport No. : D 371981 (M)

Bank : American Express Bank

Type of Account : Current Account

Account No : E-7194-303-45-G

Amount : USD 7,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 22/12/95

Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96

Cheque No. F1742330

Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96

Cheque No. F1742331

Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96

Cheque No. F1742332

Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97

Cheque No. F1742333

27. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar

Post : Minister of Defence

Passport No. : D 691245 (M)

Bank : Citibank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : J-321-3352-339-G

Amount : USD 8,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 14/07/96

Date of Maturity : 14/07/99

28. 3. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar

Post : Minister of Defence

Passport No. : D 691245 (M)

Bank : American Express Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : AC- 4192-443-54-E

Amount : USD 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 27/11/96

Date of Maturity : 27/11/99

29. 4. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz

Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry

Passport No. : D 391274 (M)

Bank : Bank Of Nova Scotia

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : LA- 7211-3647-341 G

Amount : USD 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 10/06/96

Date of Maturity : 10/06/99

30. 5. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz

Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry

Passport No. : D 391274 (M)

Bank : Bank Of China

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : CL 4223-6162-47 M

Amount : USD 2,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 21/09/96

Date of Maturity : 21/09/96

31. 6. Name : Mr. Muhyuddin Bin Yassin

Post : Minister of Youth and Sports

Passport No. : D 512717 (M)

Bank : American Express Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

5 years

Account No : AF- 3712-229-33-Y

Amount : USD 7,700,000.00

Date of opening account : 15/06/96

Date of Maturity : 15/06/01

32. 7. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob(deceased)

Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs

Passport No. : D 299671 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : F-3091-9211-39 (O)

Amount : USD 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 19/08/96

Date of Maturity : 19/08/99

33. 8. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob(deceased)

Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs

Passport No. : D 299671 (M)

Bank : Israeli National Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

3 years

Account No : M-5244-6052-69 (D)

Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 07/05/97

Date of Maturity : 07/05/00

34. 9. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat

Post : Minister of Information

Passport No. : D 423717 (M)

Bank : Development Bank of Singapore

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

2 years

Account No : C-2965-173-384-F

Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 29/11/96

Date of Maturity : 29/11/98

35. 10. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat

Post : Minister of Information

Passport No. : D 423717 (M)

Bank : Development Bank of Singapore

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

2 years

Account No : CA-3129-662-919-G

Amount : S $ 2,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 06/03/97

Date of Maturity : 06/03/99

36. 11. Name : Mr. Sabbarudin Bin Chik

Post : Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism

Passport No. : D 196432 (M)

Bank : Bank of China

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

3 years

Account No : E-699-3172-982 (B)

Amount : USD 8,500,000.00

Date of opening account : 02/09/96

Date of Maturity : 02/09/99

37. 12. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed

Post : Minister of Entrepreneur

Second Finance Minister

Passport No. : D 862411 (M)

Bank : American Express Bank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit

3 years

Account No : CA-5098-344-66-D

Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 12/06/96

Date of Maturity : 12/06/99

38. 13. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed

Post : Minister of Entrepreneur

Second Finance Minister

Passport No. : D 862411 (M)

Bank : Citibank

Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)

2 years

Account No : DD-2141-7922-549-F

Amount : USD $ 5,000,000.00

Date of opening account : 21/04/97

Date of Maturity : 21/04/99

Rozaimy Baharuddin said...

sorry aku terlambat masuk thread ini...

sebenarnya "Israeli National Bank" tak pernah wujud pun.

org yg buat fitnah ni tak buat kajian masa nak cipta fitnah.

Malaysia memang ada BANK NEGARA, tetapi kat Israel tak ada BANK NEGARA.
lagi pun BANK NEGARA mana ada akaun persendirian

Ini senarai bank yg ada kat Israel