Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept 16 Counter-Strategy

I was flabbergasted when I found out that YB Teresa Kok was arrested close to midnight just now. Awestruck I then comprehended the situation. Ops Lalang II is underway. I understand now, there is nothing left to lose. Tuesday, 16 Sept 2008 is fast approaching and Pak Lah seems to be losing support and change of the Federal Government seems, at least to BN and Pak Lah, a frightening reality.
Having 15 MPs arrested under ISA would spell doom for Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's ambitions for taking over. With these people incarcerated, Pakatan Rakyat, even after the crossovers, cannot vote a simple majority even for the dissolution of Parliament, including to call for fresh elections.
Nice tactic BN! congratulations to the level 4 boys! but remember this, your act of desperation will lead you further from being in power in the coming elections. It has a very price though, this desperate 'last resort' of yours have spelt your doom. Notwithstanding the above, we the rakyat will wait for that single opportunity to throw you out. We do not mind waiting for another 3 or 4 years for fresh new elections as we have already made up our minds. This time around, time will not render us absent-minded.
So brother Ezam and Dr. Chandra, how have you been doing? revelling in the convenience of silence? surely you will voice out against these detentions at this juncture to negate already massive perceptions of your bias to BN? I personally want to see how Chandra explain this one! and Ezam, takkan nak sokong tang BN lawan rasuah tiba-tiba pasai ISA hang nak dok diam kot? Bagi laa statement sikit.. awat? gigi taring tercabut ka? dah lupa masa kena ISA dulu?
Remember this also! Pakatan Rakyat is NEVER short of new high-powered calibre leaders. Do what you may, but rest assured that the fight is far from over! we will not sit down and allow ourselves to be stomped to the ground, we will never surrender and WE WILL ULTIMATELY PREVAIL!


wong said...

one day if i ever seedr chandra...i would walked over with my son,,son , see this man see clearly ..this is a scum bag

anfield devotee said...

Well said, indeed.

Never give up . . . Never surrender . . .

Amir Hamzah said...

Did you guys know Chandra once rented my house and refused to vacate?

anfield devotee said...

Yo bro, you should have just acted like a scum landlord & throw him out on his ass . . .