Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Tale of Two Arrests

We are witnessing here, ladies and gentlemen, the final chapter of a 50-year old tale. Where the epic adventures of a political party who claimed to have solely fought for independence now grinds to a screeching halt.
A cornered cat, they say, is as dangerous as a person who is willing to blow-up a Mongolian model.
Here I was expecting UMNO and BN to listen to the rakyat swelling up with discontentment beneath them, and here I was also expecting to see a Government alarmed enough and responsive to see and address the whiplash effect to their pathetic administration.

The 15 sen discount on the market petrol price was a sign, I thought, of better things to come; but no - it was just not meant to be! UMNO will always be UMNO and BN will always be BN!

Here we have a Datuk Ahmad Ismail being 'disciplined' with a three-year suspension from holding posts in UMNO for creating national panic and sowing seeds of racial hatred throughout the nation, and on the other hand we have blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) and a certain Miss Tan Hoon Cheng from Sin Chew Jit Poh being detained under ISA for reporting on the misdeeds of Ahmad Ismail.

The culprit seems to be rapped on the wrist whilst the witnesses are being shot point blank!

I congratulate UMNO and BN for hitting the final nail on its coffin. This has always been the case, this time and with the timing of the defectors, the BN have shot themselves in the head. "Jika kita tidak tukar hari ini, hari besok, jika bukan minggu ini, minggu depan, jika bukan bulan ini, bulan depan, TUKAR TETAP TUKAR!" (modified from Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's speech)

With this, the Chinese fraternity have cemented their allegiance to Pakatan Rakyat whilst the intelligensia (who reads from the Internet) will follow in droves, infecting everyone in their path and spreading the word that finally BN is a small speck in the glorious future history of Malaysia.

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