Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chin Peng: Malaysia cannot be trusted?

In view of the recent application by the Communist Party of Malaya Supremo - Chin Peng (a.k.a Ong Boon Hua) to return home, especially after Malaysia's ex Inspector General of Police Rahim 'Tyson' Noor's admission, certain questions have yet to be answered.

Firstly, if it is true that Malaysia does not condone the Communist ideology and wishes to avoid it like the H1N1 plague, then why pray tell did we acccept Najib's grand reception in China (the mother in law of communism)? why don't we tell the Chinese Government NOW that Malaysia is anti-Communist?

Also in order to maintain consistency, PETRONAS should withdraw its projects in the Communist countries to preserve these ideals of democracy and concept of the 'free world'.

Secondly, when Malaysia signed the peace agreement reached in Hatyaai, Thailand on 30 November 1989 Malaysia (it was not a surrender) the Communist Party agreed to end its armed insurrection and disband its armies in consideration of a safe return to Malaysia.

Article 3 guaranteed safe passage and stay for those CPM members who wishes to return to Malaysia and Article 4 ibid mentioned Malaysia's willingness to accommodate the CPM members who wishes to return and start over.

If Malaysia is seen by the world as an entity that reneges on promises made on signed agreements, would that mean that Malaysia will not and should not be trusted to keep its end of the bargain? You tell me.

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