Sunday, May 30, 2010

Enter the True Neutrals!

For so long I have been naive, indifferent and insensitive to what is actually going on. I have always thought that Malaysians are politically aligned, and that the 'fence sitters' are minimal in number or insensitive to political issues. I was under the impression that all they want is to live in Malaysia in peace. I was wrong, at least for now.

The number of political 'neutrals', who are sensitive to political issues, who are unafraid to voice their opposition to bad political decisions, who are logical in their thinking, are multiplying at an alarming rate.

Whether we like it or not (and we are deemed as having political allegiances), we have to bow and accept the fact that we are not safe from their criticism. With the advent of Malaysian 'New-Politics' brokered by Anwar Ibrahim who have encouraged Malaysians to be critical in their thinking. These people were awakened by the Reformasi movement, who had high expectations, and were heartbroken when their aspirations for a total systemic change of Malaysia failed.

The dashed hopes gave rise to this new species. A form that is aware of the evils brought upon the country by the decadent UMNO and BN, but is still unimpressed with the performance of Pakatan Rakyat.

I should have put up the face of RPK as the de-facto leader of this new species, but this man have opened my vision to an extent somewhat that I credit him with my new found realisation.

As a propounder of change in Malaysia, I accept the views and articulations by these 'True Malaysians'. These are exactly the type of people that Malaysia needs. Our country, bleeding with corruption and rampant use of power, is in urgent need of people who are strong and principle based. We cannot pin the hopes of the nation on those who thinks the 'Dacing' is everything, and yet we must be bold enough to show and direct Pakatan Rakyat and how to actually 'change'.

To these True Malaysians, I salute you. May you all be the catalyst for improvement in our country and stop the nonsense that everything is already in good perfect order.

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